Browsing: Libya

The Agency for Combating Illegal Immigration – Shahat in eastern Libya has deported 14 Egyptian migrants who had entered Libya without official documents.
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UN Special Adviser on Libya, Stephanie Williams, has said she met late Sunday with Khaled al-Mishri, the President of the High Council of State (HCS), in Tripoli, where they discussed the obstacles facing the electoral process and the means to address them.
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The U.N. Secretary General’s Special Adviser for Libya, Stephanie Williams, will speak today at a public session of the Security Council dedicated to discussing developments in the North African country, announced Libya’s representative to the U.N.

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The European Union’s Foreign Affairs Council will convene a meeting today in Brussels, where the European foreign ministers will discuss a number of issues including the situation in Libya, announced Germany’s foreign ministry.

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The Head of the European Union’s Border Assistance Mission in Libya (EUBAM), Natalina Cea, and the Commander of the Italian Bilateral Mission of Assistance and Support in Libya (MIASIT LIBYA) Rear Admiral Placido Torresi, signed a Working Arrangement to establish operational cooperation between the two Missions.

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