Turkish naval forces have held training on board the country’s frigate known as TCG GÖKSU, which operates off the coast of the Libyan city of Misurata, according to the Turkish Defense Ministry.
“Within the scope of the Turkish Naval Task Group; for the peace and security of Libya, SAT Team trainings were held on our frigate TCG GÖKSU, which operates in the Libyan offshore,” the Turkish ministry tweeted on Tuesday.
Türk Deniz Görev Grubu kapsamında; Libya’nın huzuru ve güvenliği için Libya açıklarında faaliyet gösteren TCG GÖKSU fırkateynimizde SAT Timi eğitimleri gerçekleştirildi.#MSB pic.twitter.com/iMsxIbaUEC
— T.C. Millî Savunma Bakanlığı (@tcsavunma) December 6, 2022