The Libyan House of Representatives on Tuesday approved the 2023 state budget draft law presented by the Benghazi-based Prime Minister Osama Hammad’s government, albeit with some notes, according to spokesperson Abdullah Belhaq.
Belhaq provided minimal details in his brief statement, omitting the number of lawmakers present and voting on the budget bill. The spokesman also did not elaborate on the nature of the representatives’ notes and critiques of the proposed budget.
The legislative vote comes after the House Planning, Finance and Budget Committee in February returned an earlier version of the 2023 budget to Hammad’s government for modifications. At the time, committee chairman Omar Tantoush said the lawmakers sought revisions to the spending plan presented by Hammad’s finance minister.
Tantoush also stated the committee requested a comprehensive account of the interim government’s expenditures in 2022 and the current year before greenlighting the new budget.