Imad al-Sayeh, the chairman of the High National Electoral Commission (HNEC), said on Thursday that the proposal for the re-distribution of electoral districts was made at the request of the House of Representatives, explaining that these districts are determined on the basis of population density and geographical distribution.
Speaking on the voice-chat app Clubhouse, al-Sayeh pointed out that the leaked version of the proposal, which has been circulating on social media, contains “some manipulation and fraud”, and included “incorrect information.”
“We relied on the Civil Registry Authority figures for the year 2020, which showed that the population of Libya is 6.9 million,” he said.
The Commission proposed to the House of Representatives that the number of electoral districts and parliamentary seats be increased to 234 seats instead of 200, and 32 electoral districts instead of 13 districts.
The proposal angered some members of the Constituent Assembly for the Drafting of the Constitution, who accused al-Sayeh of violating the laws.