Browsing: Libya

Amnesty International said that Libyan security forces and militias in Tripoli have used unlawful lethal force and other violence in an unprecedented roundup of over 5,000 men, women and children from Sub-Saharan Africa and are holding them in horrid conditions where torture and sexual abuse are rampant.
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Ghat Representative in the Libyan Parliament, Nasr Asrir, denounced the cancellation of the visit of the Prime Minister, Abdel Hamid Dbeibeh, after the refusal of receiving the security and logistical delegation that preceded Dbeibeh’s visit “under the pretext of the lack of prior coordination,” which Asrir described as “false excuses for preventing and thwarting the visit.”
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Libyan Economy Minister, Mohamed al-Huwaij, discussed with the French Ambassador to Libya, Beatrice du Helen, strengthening cooperation between the two countries and raising the level of trade exchange, during a meeting at the Ministry’s headquarters in Tripoli.
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The European Commission aims to deliver new ‘P150’ class patrol boats to the Libyan coast guard, despite possible crimes against humanity at detention centers where migrants intercepted at sea are often sent, EU Observer reports.

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Deputy Prime Minister Hussein al-Qatrani has accused the premier Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh of making unilateral decisions which affect the cohesion of the government, and said that he holds Dbeibeh responsible if a parallel executive authority was formed in the country’s eastern region of Cyrenaica.

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