Browsing: Economy

Governor of the Central Bank of Libya (CBL), Siddiq al-Kabir, met Sunday with work team formed by CBL’s departments to implement plan to unify the Bank, in Benghazi and Tripoli, according to the results of the International Financial Audit Review of the Bank, said CBL statement.
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The Italian Consul in Benghazi, Carlo Batori, held talks on Monday with eastern representatives of the Libyan Business Council to discuss the latter’s cooperation with Italian companies to implement the coastal motorway project.

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Turkish President, Recep Erdogan, demanded the Prime Minister of the of the Libyan Government of National Unity (GNU), Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, who is visiting Istanbul these days, to pay an amount of 5 billion dinars ($3.8 billion), as “debts owed from previous years, according to press sources.
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