Browsing: Business

The Libyan Audit Bureau 2020 report said the Operations Department of the Tripoli-based Central Bank of Libya (CBL) retained during 2020 permissions to pay salaries, did not implement them, and did not take into account the hierarchy in their disbursement.
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Governor of the Central Bank of Libya (CBL), Siddiq al-Kabir, met Sunday with work team formed by CBL’s departments to implement plan to unify the Bank, in Benghazi and Tripoli, according to the results of the International Financial Audit Review of the Bank, said CBL statement.
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The cohesion of Libyan oil sector was a main reason for restoring stability in the country, said Nicholas Hopton, the outgoing U.K. Ambassador to Libya. The British diplomat made his remarks during his last meeting with Mustafa Sanalla, the chairman of the National Oil Corporation (NOC), on Thursday.

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The Italian Consul in Benghazi, Carlo Batori, held talks on Monday with eastern representatives of the Libyan Business Council to discuss the latter’s cooperation with Italian companies to implement the coastal motorway project.

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Deputy Oil Minister Rifaat Al-Abbar said on Monday that he was unaware that his ministry made a request to the Government of National Unity to form a new board of directors for the National Oil Corporation (NOC), a decision which he rejects.

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