Browsing: Libya

Units of 128th Brigade of the Libyan National Army (LNA) have conducted military patrols in the South, starting from al-Jufra region to Zella and then Wadi al-Aqib, passing through al-Fuqaha area up to al-Haruj mountains.

On her opening remarks for the second session of the joint committee of the Libyan House of Representatives and the High Council of State to determine the constitutional arrangements for elections, UN Special Adviser on Libya, Stephanie Williams, said that “Delays and an open-ended process will not work and will inevitably lead to further division and conflict from where it will be much harder to bring Libya back on the path to stability.”

Vice President of the Libyan Presidential Council, Abdulla Al-Lafi, discussed in a meeting with the outgoing Prime Minister, Abdel Hamid Dbeibeh, and the Western Region Chief of General Staff, Mohamed al-Haddad, the security and military conditions, especially the clashes that took place in Janzour, west of Tripoli, and the process of organizing the army.