Browsing: Ocean Viking

Ocean Viking, a European rescue ship operated by SOS Mediterranee, saved on Saturday afternoon 92 migrants who were on board an overcrowded and deflated rubber boat in international waters off Libya.

This morning, the Ocean Viking rescued 84 people, including 58 unaccompanied minors, who were on an overcrowded rubber dinghy in international waters off the coast of Libya.

The humanitarian ship Ocean Viking rescued on Saturday 37 migrants who were shipwrecked in the Mediterranean  near the coast of Libya, said the NGO SOS Méditerranée, owner of the vessel that will be able to dock in the Italian port of Ancona.

Migrant-rescue vessel Ocean Viking, operated by SOS Méditerranée, rescued at sea on Sunday night a total of 75 migrants, the passengers of an “overcrowded rubber dinghy in difficulty” off Libya’s coast, bringing to 90 the number of survivors on board, the NGO said in a statement.