Browsing: Libya

The National Center for Disease Control in Libya (NCDC) reported on Sunday that 5,694 people tested positive for COVID-19, marking 34 percent of the infection rate. The NCDC said that 14 others died of the virus, while 824 have recovered during the same reporting period.

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The Libyan Attorney General, Al-Siddiq Al-Sour, visited Rome on the weekend where he met with Italian Supreme Court judge Giovanni Salvi and Attorney General Renato Venechio to discuss judicial cooperation.

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The US ambassador to Libya, Richard Norland, has condemned the recent attack by ISIS, which took place near Qatrun in southern Libya, during the past two days, describing it as a “terrorist”.

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Turkish Ambassador to Libya Kenan Yilmaz said Saturday his country’s presence in Libya was based on the memorandum of understanding signed with the former Government of National Accord (GNA), to provide consultations and training, and the Libyan House of Representatives (HoR) is “authorized” to adopt the agreement.
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